A downloadable game
Alpha version of Ponchoff, the premier multiplayer Mexican Standoff turn based game. Your objective: Be the first person to get the diamond from the right side of the screen to the left side! When it's your turn you can do four different things:
- DOWN or S: Cloak yourself in your poncho, hiding what you have in your hands. Or, if you are already cloaked, swaps items between your hands.
- UP or W: Reveal your hands and whats in them OR if already revealed, use them!
- LEFT or A and RIGHT or D: Move in a direction. If there's someone already there instead you will:
- Swap items if both have their hands revealed
- Take or give if only one of you have an item
- Swap places if your both empty
Turns go from left to right.
The game is inspired by the Bang! (the card game), Westrado: Double Barreled, The Prisoner Dilemma, the phrase Throw Me the Idol I'll Throw You the Whip, and movie Mexican standoffs.
Install instructions
If you liked to play over LAN (locally, the same wifi) click LAN Host.
If you want to connect to your freind's LAN server click LAN client
For an internet match click Mathchmaker, then Create Internet Match.
To connect to an Internet Match press Matchmaker, then Find Internet Match.
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